Jack the Giant Slayer
Ever since I was a kid I've always wanted to work on a movie. Like most animators, its a crazy pipe dream that fuels the fire of all those late nights and always keeps you pushing the bar on your work.
Over a year ago, I was thrilled to start work on my first film at MPC here in Vancouver and I have to say, Jack the Giant Slayer was an insane challenge. So many vines! I saw green for months. I thought for sure they would fire me after five minutes. I learned so much. It was so much work, but I do feel that I grew as an artist and I met a lot of great people along the way.
Its easy to get stuck in the daily grind, but when I finally saw Jack on the big screen it really rejuvenated me. The movie is not the greatest film ever made, but it was a pretty awesome feeling seeing my and my co-workers work on the big screen. It was such an odd sensation seeing months of late nights and weekends fly by in a few seconds.
I think, as an artist you have to take risks and push yourself. You'll never learn or grow if you're not afraid of failing. For me personally, fear of failure is a sign that you are in the right place and that you are ready to learn something new. Maybe it sounds crazy, but I hope to be afraid for the rest of my career.